Mason Bee House
This gorgeous mason bee house is handmade from reclaimed barn wood. If you're buying for a gardener who grows fruit or vegetables, this would be a great gift.
Organic Flower Power Soothing SalveIf the gardener in your life is as bad at remembering to wear their gardening gloves as I am, than it's probably safe to assume that their hands could use a little TLC. This all-natural salve is made from beeswax, olive and jojoba oil, as well as organically grown rose and chamomile
Tiny Terrariums
Tiny Terrariums are easy-care; cute terrariums are the perfect gift for most gardeners. A bit of green in a cubicle, office, or kitchen windowsill would be welcomed by just about any garden geek.
Quirky Windchime From Reclaimed Items
There is nothing quite as relaxing as listening to the gentle tinkling of a windchime while working or kicking back in your garden. This one has a great cooking theme, featuring a rolling pin and utensils, but this particular Etsy seller also has other windchimes, such as one featuring hand tools. Very creative.